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The Process

Brief Introduction to Migraine Centers

Welcome to Migraine Centers, a specialized healthcare facility dedicated to providing advanced, targeted treatment for chronic migraine sufferers. We understand that migraines are not just headaches; they’re a debilitating condition that can severely impact your quality of life. That’s why we’re committed to offering solutions that go beyond the standard care, aiming for long-term relief.

What the Omega Procedure Is

The Omega Procedure is our flagship treatment, designed to offer lasting relief from chronic migraines. Unlike temporary fixes like medications or Botox injections, the Omega Procedure aims to address the root cause of your migraines. It’s a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses state-of-the-art technology to modulate the nerve signals responsible for migraines, offering you a chance at a life free from the crippling pain.

Who It’s For

If you’ve been suffering from chronic migraines and haven’t found relief from traditional treatments, the Omega Procedure could be for you. Ideal candidates are those who experience several migraine days per month and have tried multiple treatment options without

The Omega Procedure: What You Need to Know

How It Works

The Omega Procedure involves implanting a small device under your skin, typically at the back of your head or near the area where you experience the most pain. This device is connected to thin, flexible wires that are positioned near the nerves associated with migraines. Once activated, the device sends mild electrical impulses to these nerves, essentially “jamming” the pain signals before they reach your brain. The result? Significant reduction or even elimination of migraine pain.

The Technology Behind It

The Omega Procedure employs cutting-edge neurostimulation technology. The implanted device is a marvel of medical engineering, capable of delivering precise electrical impulses to targeted nerves. It’s like a pacemaker for your migraines, constantly working to prevent the onset of pain. The device is controlled by a remote, allowing you to adjust the settings according to your comfort and needs.

Initial Consultation

What to Expect

Your first step towards a life free from chronic migraines begins with an initial consultation at one of our Migraine Centers. During this appointment, you’ll meet with a specialized healthcare provider who will review your medical history, discuss your symptoms, and evaluate whether the Omega Procedure is the right fit for you. This is your opportunity to ask any questions you may have and to get a personalized treatment plan.

Insurance Verification

We understand that medical costs can be a concern, so we’ll also conduct an insurance verification during your initial consultation. Our team will work directly with your insurance provider to determine what coverage is available for the Omega Procedure and what, if any, out-of-pocket costs you can expect.

Trial Phase

Procedure Details

Before committing to the permanent implant, you’ll undergo a trial phase to evaluate how well the treatment works for you. This involves a temporary implant that functions just like the permanent one but is designed for short-term use. The trial phase allows you to experience the effects of the Omega Procedure without long-term commitment.


The trial phase typically lasts for one to two weeks. This gives you ample time to assess the effectiveness of the treatment in reducing or eliminating your migraine symptoms.

What You’ll Feel

During the trial phase, you’ll have the opportunity to test different settings on the device, which is controlled by a remote. You may feel a mild tingling sensation where the device is implanted, but this is generally not painful and often becomes less noticeable over time.

Permanent Implant

Procedure Details

If the trial phase is successful and you decide to proceed, the next step is the permanent implant. This procedure is similar to the trial but involves implanting a device designed for long-term use. The device is usually implanted under the skin at the back of your head or near the area where you experience the most pain.


The procedure for the permanent implant typically takes about 1-2 hours and is often performed under local anesthesia. You’ll likely be able to go home the same day.


After the permanent implant, you’ll have a series of follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to the device settings. You’ll also receive detailed aftercare instructions, including signs of potential complications to watch for and guidelines on resuming normal activities.

Benefits and Risks

Success Rates

The Omega Procedure has shown promising results in clinical trials and real-world applications. While individual experiences may vary, many patients report a significant reduction in the frequency and severity of their migraines. Some even experience complete relief from their symptoms. It’s important to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized success rate statistics based on your medical history and specific condition.

Potential Side Effects

As with any medical procedure, there are potential side effects to consider. Most commonly, patients may experience mild discomfort or tingling at the implant site. Less commonly, there may be risks of infection or allergic reaction to the implant material. Your healthcare provider will discuss these risks in detail during your initial consultation and will monitor you closely throughout the treatment process.

What to Avoid Post-Procedure

After both the trial phase and the permanent implant, it’s crucial to avoid strenuous activities that could dislodge or damage the implant. You should also steer clear of MRI machines and other strong electromagnetic fields unless specifically cleared by your healthcare provider. Detailed post-procedure guidelines will be provided to you.

Insurance and Costs

Insurance Coverage

The Omega Procedure is covered by many insurance plans, but coverage can vary. During your initial consultation, our team will conduct an insurance verification to determine your coverage and any pre-authorization requirements.

Out-of-Pocket Costs

Even with insurance, there may be some out-of-pocket costs, such as co-pays or deductibles. We’ll provide you with a detailed cost breakdown so you can plan accordingly.

Payment Plans

We understand that medical procedures can be financially taxing, which is why we offer flexible payment plans to suit different budgets. During your initial consultation, you can discuss these options with our financial advisor to find a plan that works for you.

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